Games & 3D 🎮
I have 5 years experience in game development, primarily with Unity3D.
I'm particularly interested in Serious Games and Gamification. At Arti Languages I led gameplay, level design and internal tooling.
I'm also interested in WebGL, I'm skilled in Needle and I'm excited that 3D web experiences are no longer technically constrained.
Skills Showcase
Needle is one of those 'wow' products, it allows for essentially any 'game-like' experience to exported from Unity to the Web - and it's actually useable and performant!
The 3D graphics on my home page are built in Needle, as well as everything on Toybox 3D Blog - Ideas Worth Toying With...
I really believe tools like Needle could transform website heros, product configurators and lead generation tools, if you have any projects in mind, get in touch!
Game Development (Unity)
Game Development (Unity)
I can make Unity Games, I led gameplay development at Arti.
- Led the implementation of the core game loop (Unity3D) using highly polymorphic C# cod
- Designed cloud content delivery system reducing appdownload size by 90%.
- Automated iOS and Android deployments, reducing appbuild iteration time by >50%.
- Knowledge and experience optimising and profiling games to improve performance and package size across iOS, Android and WebGL.
- Considerable knowledge of many popular Unity Packages such as Cinemachine, Timeline, Addressables, Scriptable Objects, Dotween, Fungus, Odin, Prefab World Builder, Animancer Pro, Better UI, Feel.
- Experience creating and adapting custom shaders in Unity’s Shader Graph for Universal Render Pipeline.
Unity Tooling
Unity Tooling
- Arti: Automated iOS and Android deployments, reducing app build iteration time by >50%.
- Built streamlined grid-based level design workflow to double level creation speed.
- I have considerable knowledge of many popular Unity Packages such as Cinemachine, Timeline, Addressables, Scriptable Objects, Dotween, Fungus, Odin, Prefab World Builder, Animancer Pro, Better UI, Feel.
- Created Internal Tooling using Odin to improve iteration times, workflows and expand on 3rd party assets where appropriate and impactful.
Serious Games
Serious Games
My time at UCL Edtech Labs and Arti Languages deepened my passion for Serious Games—leveraging game mechanics to enhance learning, motivation, and retention. I saw firsthand how active recall, learning through failure, and feedback loops drive deeper engagement, making education more immersive and effective. This intersection of pedagogy, psychology, and game design continues to shape my approach to learning technology.
Level Design
Level Design
I always follow 'Constraint Driven Design' - this methodology first puts practical limits on what is achievable with the time, resources and skills available. This isn't a constraint on creativity, but is rather an acknowledgment of the complexity of game/level design. In reality once you set your constraints, you just have a smaller infinity in which to operate and clear constraints breed creative solutions and efficient tooling.
For example when designing the levels for Arti , a major constraint was our artistic and design resources, that forced as to adopt a grid based system and reuse and remix existing models. We also focused on creating internal tools that made laying out grid based levels really speedy.
I'm fascinated by educational games... the trouble is, hardly any of them are good! Gamification is seen as the engine of success behind meteoric successes like Duolingo.
The reality is though, streaks, high scores and variable reinforcement schedules are the compulsive (worst) parts of games, not the actual fun!
Avoiding 'chocolate covered broccoli' in educational games was a big inspiration when designing Arti, a language learning game.
Want to play co-op?

If you want to chat about a Games or 3D project — email me on
Or let's connect: Will Bourchier | LinkedIn